Strict liability is a special criminal responsibility and one of the liability without fault in English and American Criminal Laws, that is to say, fault is not the necessary requisite to constitute a crime. 严格责任是英美刑法中一种特殊的刑事归责方式,是一种无罪过责任,即罪过不是犯罪构成的必要条件。
Even some acts is of serious social harm, However, due to the Penal Code does not require, still can not be used to adjust the Penal Code, so it does not constitute a crime. 即便有些行为具有严重的社会危害性,但由于刑法没有规定,依然不能用刑法调整,不构成犯罪。
I believe that the target of crime and crime is the situation between the object and the nature of the relationship between the two things are the same two aspects can not be separated, with the object belong to the elements constitute a crime. 笔者认为,犯罪对象与犯罪客体之间是现象与本质的关系,二者是同一事物的不可分离的两个方面,同属于犯罪构成的客体要件。
When the perpetrator used deception not only to raise financing to raise money while other valuable goods, while the perpetrator can not come to constitute a fund-raising fraud and general fraud findings, but should be a crime to be punished for financial fraud. 当行为人使用集资诈骗手段不仅募集货币同时募集到其它有价商品时,不能得出行为人同时构成集资诈骗罪与普通诈骗罪的结论,而应当以集资诈骗罪一罪论处。
Transformed robbery is not to constitute a theft, fraud, rob as the premise of the crime, only the implementation of these three acts, regardless of the amount of size can be transformed into robbery. 转化型抢劫罪不以构成盗窃、诈骗、抢夺罪为前提,只需要实施这三种行为,无论数额大小即可转化为抢劫罪。